IT Training:
Just got back from Brissy on Sunday. Week went fast, from Monday to Friday 9am-5pm stucked in the IT course Microsoft Planning, Deploying and Managing System Centre Configuration or short name dia was ok, bagus gak cuz i can sit for the exam as my elective subject for my MCSA (Microsoft Certified System Admin)..mahal wooo nak buat kat sini, one subject class only about A$3500, exam plak dlm A$300 tu pon kalau pass. ehehe so lucky me SMS subject ni paid by CITEC. Basically SMS ni program configuring software distribution, deploying operating systems, and managing software updates, and also focuses on remote tools and managing mobile devices. Learning those stuff baru la aku perasan that microsoft product ni mmg bley tahan mantap dia utk support up to 25000 clients around the world. Cool stuff, along that training, we got unlimited icecream and lollies! dengar je aa die pot pet pot pet kite layan aiskem, haih nape laa uni tak camtu eh?
Right timing jugak training ni cuz geng² semua plak bz final uni exam. Then ade gak yang rase kepala besar nak buat hal time² exam ni. Pesal lah sengal sgt derang ni. Ok stop sampai situ dulu cite tu, kang takut derang turun Gladstone ketuk pintu aku plak! hueh hueh hueh. Tapi rasa simpati kat mangsa-mangsa, derang kawan baek aku plak tu. Orait orait full stop.
Spending wisely on the weekend with golfing. Lepas gian, almost 1 year tak main with proper course. First weekend main kat Indooropily with dua brader postgrad and Jie. I used to love this course before as their green and rough pretty neat. I only managed to get score 120 over par! (handicap 45! Gile ape). Ingat nak main skin, tapi dua brader ni tak smangat plak nak menjudi. Then second weekend, played over at Gainsborough kat Gold Coast. Very very nice course. Tenang gile, kangaroos' everywhere chilling and running. Course yang takbley pakai blasah je pukul, kene plan elok..salah plan masuk air la kamu. Nice...and my score slightly better 98 over par! (handicap 23) ok laa below 24. Definitely will play again there.
The day before cabot on Sunday morning, Kelab UMNO organised golf chip n putt. Again same flight(group) with brader postgrad. Serious gileee aa derang main cam nak menang kereta kebal jenama BMW je. Panas pon tak ingat punye until burned my neck. And ok laa I won the tournament, 4 over par. Not fair je rasenye sbb derang semua baru start blaja. But neway, very happy to see ramai yang enjoy play golf. Sume enjoy hati happy.
Ouh hampir lupa, time flight Gladstone to Brissy, this keling ada jage kaunter. Cilake tul die charged aku 25bux because of the golf bag? Wut the fudgee?? Selama ni aku travel ke mane² tak penah pon kene charge. Come on la, ni Gladstone je bukannye New York kee Sydney ke. Flight pon tak penuh. The same thing happened to Bidadari time nak fly back to Brunei, punye la penat queue then kerana only 1.3kilo access, minah keling tu suruh queue smule dari blakang! Fudging punye keling tu. Biaseknye bukak beg, keluarkan barang2 sket dah bley setel dah. Neway, i know i sound like racist sket but fact ni. Indian cannot kasik chance lead or handle anything. Mesti perasan cam kuat, not all indan tho. Kan timmy kan?
He he heee....birthday sape? Ansarrr!! pang kopang kopang pang! Eh tu kompang kawin. Silap..hehe Hepi 25th birthday brader!! Nampak je tua, rupenyer muda 9 bulan dari aku. Sorry missed your besday surprise attack. I knew u enjoyed it, senyum tak ingat punya the whole day. Well done mate sbb still idup sampai skarang! Smoga panjang umur dan murah rezki cepat² pilih awek dan kawin. Ramai sgt menuggu tu.
Sori aa ansar takde gambar latest ko, nanti ape plak kate orang. hhehe
Tahniah, cheers to anyone yang dah abis belaja. Ayep, Farez, Aiza, Zarah and Denise. Thanks for the bbq next to the river. Selamat melangkah ke alam pekerjaan. Best dow keje! Tak caye try la.
Waduh, cakap je pasal keje, ada advert plak harini about SAP Basis job vacancy in CITEC. Hhuumm the job that I always dreamt of. Nape resah? haihhh I am actually happy with my current job, nothing is wrong with it. It just when thinking about continue pursuing my career in Aus in SAP, and the same time I want to be with Bidadari in Brunei. Bosan seh jauh ngan awek. Im not trying to be jiwang here but I really feel that I cant have both in the same time. Mati kutu gak pikir camner. It is like driving on the road, hate when there is a fog ahead of mine, cant see clear or nothing at all, then went to wrong road lead to nowhere. Impact? sesat dan buang masa. I am the person that always want to have a clear future, and I will plan. And wont regret if the plan failed. Atleast I plan and build my own way rather than finger cross, follow the flow but that just not me. Again...dilemma. I'll go ahead apply for the position.
Worst storm in 25years in Queensland:
Dashyattt! Happened on last Sunday, a few hours after I left Brisbane. Nasib baik siot. Bace la sendiri di sini. Berita sampai ke Kelantan, sms gak dr bapak aku...sayang gak kat aku rupenye.
*rumah kat The Gap. Dekat tuu ngan St Lucia kampong melayu.
*Pokok pon bleh tercabot ankara ribut. Sian akak ni dah kene naik beskal pi opis.
*Hailstorm Jan 06. Shell kat St Lucia.
New gadget:
Yeahaa, punye la lama aku usha finally beli gak digicam. Heheh murah je A$145 Samsung. Niat di hati mmg la teringin nak beli SLR camera, tp tahan je aaarr mahal sgt.
Engine for my boat? Tak sempat nak usha. Gile aa turun Bne ramai member² nak catch up. Tu pon ade yg tak sempat nak jumpe. Next time aa maybe. Tak pon korang turun Gladstone. haaaa...hehehe
Running shoe! Taraaa! I've put more more weight dah ni. Dah la botak bulat cam ninja turtle plak tu. Jogging with Hez, Ansar and Abu Jr that nite, realising betapa pancetnyer padahal 5km je..camner aaa Lukzan lari more than 15km tu..perkkkk gagah siot. Cube ko post kat blog sket secret tips & tricks running ko wahai Lukz. The softest tapak shoe ever! Ni nak rasmikan nanti. Hopefully ankle tak buat hal la. Yela dah sengkek ni tak mampu nak bayar pegi gym cam dulu². So run ninja turtle run!
Kepade sesiapa yang bekerja, enjoy lirik & lagu dari Meet Uncle Hussain - La La La Kerjalah:
hehehehhe yang tuh no comment la.. aku takleh jadik racist... nanti kena belasah ngan bebudak hindraf... and more.. nanti kalo dapat awek keling.. ha.. camner?
Puma tuh lawo... wei... pergi carik yang Puma / Ferrari punya weh... bukan latest design (yg ada no 1, no 2 tuh) but previous design.. lawo seh.. aku ngan gf aku berangan ndak angkat tu... sini murah jerk.. less than RM 300 sebab design lama.. design baru dekat 400... adios
ahaha awek keling eh? kaler ape?
hoo Puma ferari tu lawo..aku rase kasut tu kot ramai racer yg pakai, sodap time menarek minyak kete. Angkat aa satu pe lagi.
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